Meet Miguel Escobar

Because you deserve


Miguel Escobar is the owner of a group of companies that offer international and comprehensive real estate planning strategies across all sectors, typologies and morphologies.

Registered with and active member of five professional orders:

  • Architect – MOAQ
  • Chartered Real Estate Broker & Agency Director, MOACIQ
  • Urban Planner, MOUQ
  • Interior Designer, MNCIDQ
  • Government Affairs, Consulting Lobbyist, MLQ

We provide international, comprehensive and integrated real estate strategies
for all of your business and personal real estate requirements

icon architect miguel escobar Architect montrealARCHITECTURE

icon real estate brokerage miguel escobar Architect montrealREAL ESTATE BROKERAGE

icon real estate consultancy miguel escobar Architect montrealEXPERTIS AND CONSULTANCY

Miguel Escobar

Architect – OAQ

  • Commercial
  • Residential
  • Industrial

Building dreams, shaping skylines: the essence of architectural excellence

As an architect, my passion is crafting structures that blend innovation and sustainability with unmistakable luxury and sophistication. From conception to realization, I ensure each project balances functionality with aesthetics, creating enduring legacies that transform urban landscapes into captivating narratives of beauty and practical innovation.

Miguel Escobar Architect – OAQ

Miguel Escobar

Chartered real estate broker and agency director – OACIQ

  • Commercial
  • Residential
  • Industrial

Unlocking luxury: beyond real estate investment

Mastering the art of luxury real estate, I blend market insight with a passion for finding exceptional opportunities. My mission: to exceed investor expectations by maximizing value, offering expert, personalized consultancy for truly exclusive investments.

Miguel Escobar Chartered real estate broker and agency director OACIQ

Trusted by Leading Clients

Family Offices, Banks, Pension Funds, Universities, Municipalities, Real Estate Management Firms, Provincial and Federal Governments and HNWIss


Logo Ordre des architectes du quebec Michel Escobar Architect Real estate Courtier immobilier agréé

Ordre des Architectes du Quebec. Issued Jan 1992

logo Ordre des urbanistes du Quebec

Ordre des urbanistes du Québec. Issued Jan 1994

logo Council for Interior Design Qualification CIDQ Miguel escobar Montreal Architect

Council for Interior Design Qualification – CIDQ. Issued Apr 2001

Registre des lobbyistes du Quebec miguel escobar

Registre des lobbyistes du Québec. Issued Nov 2010

logo Organisme dautoreglementation du courtage immobilier du Quebec OACIQ Miguel escobar

Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ). Issued Jan 2011. Credential ID G1737

Media, blog & letters articles

From Cantabria to the World: Miguel Escobar’s Remarkable Journey Through Architecture, Urban Planning, and Blockchain
Ste-Catherine St. Proposal Sparks Debate Over Traffic and Parking Changes
Referendum in Catalonia: A Zero-Sum Game for Quebec

We provide international, comprehensive and integrated real estate strategies for all of
your business and personal real estate requirements, actively engaged in:

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